2-1-1 Maryland | |
Phone Number | 211 |
Hours | 24 Hours / 7 Days a Week / 365 Days a Year, in over 180 languages |
Website | www.211md.org |
Description | 2-1-1 Maryland is partnership of four agencies working together to provide simple access to health and human services information. 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services. Our specially trained call specialists answer calls 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The 2-1-1 database has information on nearly 5,000 agencies and programs across the state. Each week 2-1-1 Maryland handles thousands of calls from people in need, providing referrals to services and helping people problem-solve when the services they need are not available. |
info@211MD.org | |
Text | Text your zip code to 898-211 or TXT-211 |
Chat | https://211md.org/chat-with-us/ |
Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center | |
Phone Number | (877) 772-9832 |
Address | 331 E. Dover St, Easton MD 21601 |
Hours | Monday - Friday, 9am to 6pm - Resource Center |
Website | www.chesmrc.org |
Description | Mission: By coordinating services and informational programs, The Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center (ChesMRC) empowers people from different cultures to become successful and engaged members of our community. Through education, we strive to breakdown cultural barriers that arise from differences in language, appearance or ethnic traditions. ChesMRC provides information and referrals for: - Legal Services - Immigration Services - Health Services - Education - Employment - Counseling - Translation Services - Recreation - English Classes - Family Support - Taxes - Driver's License - Citizenship Classes - School Enrollment - Youth Development - Afterschool Program for grades 1-5 - High School Afterschool Program - Cub Scouts - Girl Scouts - Health Education & Outreach Since it’s inception in 2012, ChesMRC has provided services to more than 4,000 non-English speakers in Talbot and surrounding counties, involving over 6,500 separate requests for information and referral. No other organization is addressing this need. |
Mailing Address | PO Box 1990, Easton MD 21601 |
Interpretation / Translator Services Available | Yes |
info@chesmrc.org | |
Outreach Coordinator: Ingrid Diaz | ingrid@chesmrc.org |
Choptank Community Health System | |
Phone Number | Bay Hundred: (410) 745-0200/ Denton: 410.473.5772 |
Address | Bay Hundred Branch: 933 South Talbot Street, Unit 4, St. Michaels, MD 21663 / Denton: 301 Randolph St, Denton, MD 21629 |
Hours | Bay Hundred: Monday: 7am to 7pm; Wednesday: 7am to 4:45pm, Tuesday & Thursday: 7am to 4:30pm; Friday: 7am to 4pm / Denton hours may vary |
Website | www.choptankhealth.org |
Description | Located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Choptank Community Health System, Inc. (CCHS) is a private, non-profit community health center providing primary health care services in Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties and the surrounding areas. CCHS health centers provide a full range of primary medical, dental, and behavioral health services. CCHS is a participating provider with most major insurance companies and HMOs. A sliding fee scale is available for any patient without insurance. As a community health center, CCHS is able to use federal funding to expand current services and develop new programs to meet the health care needs in our area. School-based services at Easton Elementary, Easton Middle, Easton High, and St. Michaels Middle/High. |
Program Manager | Debbie Ross |
dmross@choptankhealth.org |
Family Support and Resource Center | |
Phone Number | 410-822-0330 ext.179 |
Address | 12 Magnolia Street, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Office hours vary |
Website | www.tcps.k12.md.us/students-and-families/academics/special-education/family-support-resource-center/ |
Description | There are many different ways we offer support: 1-a one on one meeting to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) 2-attending an IEP meeting with you at your child's school 3-a referral to a person, resource or agency that turns out to be the next best step for a particular situation 4-borrowing a book or DVD that speaks directly to a specific disability or issue |
sbehrens@tcps.k12.md.us |
Neighborhood Service Center | |
Phone Number | (410) 822- 5015 |
Address | 126 Port Street, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm |
Website | www.nsctalbotmd.org |
Description | Neighborhood Service Center has programs in place to help the citizens of Talbot County in many areas of life. NSC continue to address homelessness prevention through its Webb’s Hope Program, a congregate living rental space; permanent affordable housing units; 2 GEN program; emergency services, Homeless Solutions Program (which provides housing stabilization services through rapid rehousing, outreach services and emergency hotel placement). Neighborhood Service Center, Inc. is the designated Community Action Agency for Talbot County, since 1974. Our mission is to work toward eliminating poverty by empowering families to become self-sufficient. Our other programs include: After School Program; Acquisition of Birth Certificates and Identification; Career Pathways for ages 16-24;; medication assistance; emergency food packages; summer youth program; eviction prevention payments; first month’s rental payments; food pantry; mobile food pantry; Responsible Fathers and Teen Fathers Program; rental assistance; Senior Employment Program, Alternative to Incarceration Program and Maryland Energy Assistance Program. More can be found on NSC’s programs at www.nsctalbotmd.org . |
St. Vincent de Paul Society | |
Phone Number | (410) 770-4505 |
Address | 29533 Canvasback Drive, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Thrift Store Hours: Thursdays: 1pm to 4pm; Saturday: 9am to 1pm; Family Assistance Hours: Tuesdays: 1pm to 4pm; Saturday: 9am to 1pm |
Website | www.svdpeastonmd.org |
Description | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide Catholic organization of lay people, open to all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbors. Members of the Society provide person-to-person service to help those in need, regardless of race, creed, gender or religion. We perform our works of charity quietly and respectfully, preserving the dignity of all those we encounter. No work of charity is foreign to us. Our Services include: - Free and low cost food to those who know hunger (SEE FOOD PANTRY - ST VINCENT DE PAUL) - Emergency Payments for utilities, rent, mortgage to maintain a viable life; - Emergency Shelter- temporary housing for the homeless; - Furniture and Household Goods to provide a comfortable pace to live; - Clothing- free and low cost clothes for the disadvantaged; - Comfort- Embracing the lonely, forgotten, and alienated |
Mailing Address | PO Box 783, Easton, MD 21601 |
svdpeastonmd@gmail.com |
Talbot County Department of Social Services (DSS) | |
Phone Number | (410) 770-4848 |
Address | 301 Bay Street, Unit # 5, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Monday - Friday: 8am to 5pm |
Website | www.dhr.maryland.gov/local-offices/talbot-county |
Description | Programs and Services include: - Adoption Services - Adult Protective Services (APS) - Child Care Program, Purchase of Care (POC) - Child Support Enforcement - Energy Assistance - Family Support Services - Food Stamps (FS) - Foster Care Services (FCS) - Homelessness Prevention Program - In-Home Aide Services (IHAS) - Location & Contact Information - Medical Assistance (MA) - Project HOME - Social Services to Adults (SSTA) - Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) To report abuse/neglect after hours: (410) 822-3101 |
talbot.customer@maryland.gov | |
Special Projects Coordinator - Paris Quillet | (410) 770-5870 paris.quillet@maryland.gov |