Adult Education – Chesapeake College
Phone Number (410) 822-5400
Address 1000 College Circle, Wye Mills, MD 21679
Hours Varies per class
Description Wherever you are and wherever you want to go in life, Chesapeake College can help you get there. Founded as Maryland’s first regional community college in 1965, Chesapeake offers a range of educational opportunities that combine excellence, convenience, and affordability. Our degree programs (with more than 70 college majors), certificate programs, career training, non-credit workforce training, and lifelong learning have transformed the lives of thousands on the Eastern Shore.

Adult Education; Adult Basic Education; Adult High School Diploma Programs; GED / High School Equivalency Test Instruction; Work Force Training; Computer Training; Skilled Trades Programs; Youth Programs . Many of the GED prep classes are free.

See the Chesapeake College website or call for registration information.
Career Pathways – Neighborhood Service Center
Phone Number (410) 822-5015
Description Talbot County residents between the ages of 16 and 24 who are not in school or working are eligible for free employment training. This program will assist Opportunity Youth develop critical employment soft skills and offer training opportunities as they move along their path to achieving their educational and/or employment goals.
Chesapeake Child Care Exchange
Phone Number (410) 822-5400
Address Early Childhood Development Building, Chesapeake College, 1000 College Circle, Wye Mills, MD 21679
Hours Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Description A community based program that provides training to child care providers and the community in order to improve the quality and accessibility of early childhood education and care for Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties.

Child Care Training and Support Services
Chesapeake College Child Care Exchange provides comprehensive child care training services including certification classes, on-site training, training that meets MSDE’s licensing requirements, and technical assistance on child focused issues. All child care courses are offered through the Chesapeake College Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training.

Project Right Steps
A free service that addresses the needs of child care providers and parents that are dealing with children (0-5) with challenging behaviors. Project Right Steps is designed to support changes in the child’s behavior through the specialist’s work with both the child care provider and the family. Specialists offer services including observation, assessment, and consultation. They suggest strategies to assist the provider(s) and parents in addressing the child’s challenging behaviors.

Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund
The Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund (CCPDF) scholarship is given to credentialed providers based upon an application and approval by the Maryland State Department of Education. Funds for the CCCPDF fund come from the Federal Workforce fund. The scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees for participants in the AAS or AAT degrees in Early Child Development and Education. There is a work service agreement that the provider will continue to work in child care while earning the degree and will work after graduation for two years in child care for the AAS or AAT Associate degree earned. A GPA of 2.5 must be maintained
Chesapeake Forum: An Academy For Lifelong Learning
Phone Number (410) 829-8652
Address PO Box 544, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Class times vary
Description Chesapeake Forum is an intellectual cooperative of lifelong learning, with courses planned, run, and led by dedicated volunteer faculty. Chesapeake Forum is open to everyone who wishes to learn, and welcomes anyone willing to listen and discuss a myriad of topics with an open mind and a respectful curiosity for the views of others.

With a continuously changing curriculum, Chesapeake Forum offers sessions on current events, cooking, literature, history, art, music, and writing along with outdoor courses on birding, tree identification, and much more. There is also an occasion trip to a museum or historic site of interest.
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