Chesapeake Women’s Health | |
Phone Number | (410) 820-0038 |
Address | 401 Purdy Street, Suite 102, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm, Closed for Lunch from 12pm - 1pm |
Website | |
Description | Chesapeake Women's Health - Where Women have the right to choose their healthcare experience. Leading the evolution of modern healthcare, offering comprehensive Obstetrical and Gynecological services including: minimally invasive surgery, state of the art pelvic reconstructive procedures, and in-office permanent birth control and endometrial ablation, Services include; Obstetrics, Gynecology, Ultrasound, and Midwifery Visit our website for more information and a list of women's health resources. |
Choices for Life Pregnancy Center | |
Phone Number | (410) 822-3311 |
Address | 505 Dutchman's Lane, Bldg B1, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Monday – Friday: 9am to 3pm |
Website | |
Description | Are you facing a situation you weren’t ready for? No matter what you’re going through, we are here to help! We can address your needs and provide you with valuable resources so that you can make the best decisions for your situation. Schedule your free appointment today. | | |
Text | (443) 698-8110 |
24-Hour Helpline | (800) 712-HELP (4357) |
Healthy Families Mid-Shore | |
Phone Number | (410) 819-5600, (443) 262-4464 |
Address | 100 S. Hanson Street, Easton MD 21601 |
Website | |
Description | Healthy Families Mid-Shore is an evidence-based, accredited home visiting program of the Queen Anne's County Department of Health in partnership with Talbot County Health Department, Kent County Health Department and Caroline County Health Department. The families served are eligible for Maryland Children's Health Program or are uninsured and must reside in Queen Anne's, Talbot, Kent or Caroline Counties. Highly trained Family Support Workers deliver home visiting services to families facing some challenges. Using the "Growing Great Kids" curriculum, the Family Support Workers offer support services, resources and education for prenatal / postpartum women, fathers, and infants. We conduct developmental screenings for children, provide referrals to community resources and provide information regarding essential parenting tips. The program is voluntary and geared towards each family's individual needs. For more information please contact Healthy Families Staff. |
Planned Parenthood of Maryland | |
Phone Number | (410) 576-1414 |
Address | 8579 Commerce Drive, #102, Easton, MD 21601 |
Hours | Monday: 10am to 5pm; Tuesday: 8am to 3pm, Wednesday, Thursday: 11am to 6:30pm, Friday: 8am to 3pm |
Website | |
Description | Planned Parenthood of Easton offers: - Abortion Services - Birth Control - HIV Testing - LGBT Services - Men's Health Care - Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception) - Pregnancy Testing & Services - STD Testing, Treatment & Vaccines - Women's Health Care We accept many insurance plans. If you don't have insurance, affordable coverage options may be available. |
Translation Services Available | Spanish |
Postpartum Support Hotline | |
Phone Number | 1-800-944-4773 (4PPD) |
Hours | 24/7 |
Website | |
Description | The PSI HelpLine is a toll-free telephone number anyone can call to get basic information, support, and resources. Dial extension 1 for Spanish and extension 2 for English. The HelpLine messages are returned every day of the week. You are welcome to leave a confidential message any time, and one of the HelpLine volunteers will return your call as soon as possible. If you are not able to talk when the volunteer calls you, you can arrange another time to connect. The volunteer will give you information, encouragement, and names of resources near you. |
Text | (503) 894-9453 (English) or (971) 420-0294 (Spanish) |