Appleseed Books
Phone Number 443.251.4215
Address 505 Hollyday St. Easton MD, 21601
Description Our mission at Appleseed Books is to collect gently used and new books so that we can distribute them to children of all ages who lack access to reading materials.
Contact Name Marilou Russ
Chesapeake Child Care Exchange
Phone Number (410) 822-5400
Address Early Childhood Development Building, Chesapeake College, 1000 College Circle, Wye Mills, MD 21679
Hours Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Description A community based program that provides training to child care providers and the community in order to improve the quality and accessibility of early childhood education and care for Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties.

Child Care Training and Support Services
Chesapeake College Child Care Exchange provides comprehensive child care training services including certification classes, on-site training, training that meets MSDE’s licensing requirements, and technical assistance on child focused issues. All child care courses are offered through the Chesapeake College Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training.

Project Right Steps
A free service that addresses the needs of child care providers and parents that are dealing with children (0-5) with challenging behaviors. Project Right Steps is designed to support changes in the child’s behavior through the specialist’s work with both the child care provider and the family. Specialists offer services including observation, assessment, and consultation. They suggest strategies to assist the provider(s) and parents in addressing the child’s challenging behaviors.

Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund
The Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund (CCPDF) scholarship is given to credentialed providers based upon an application and approval by the Maryland State Department of Education. Funds for the CCCPDF fund come from the Federal Workforce fund. The scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees for participants in the AAS or AAT degrees in Early Child Development and Education. There is a work service agreement that the provider will continue to work in child care while earning the degree and will work after graduation for two years in child care for the AAS or AAT Associate degree earned. A GPA of 2.5 must be maintained
Child Care Centers in Talbot County
Description Talbot County childcare centers come in sizes, costs, and programs to fit all budgets and preferences. We know that parents are busy but that selecting the right daycare center or preschool is crucial. So we’ve gathered basic information for 22 child care centers in Talbot County into a single location so that you are only a click away from basic information such as address, size, and licensing information that can help you refine your search.
Child Find
Phone Number 410-822-0330, ext. 139 or ext. 141
Address 12 Magnolia Street, Easton, MD 21601
Description Child Find is a process in which children with special needs are identified. Preschoolers and school-age children who have suspected or already identified problems in development may which interfere with their educational progress may be referred.

Who May Refer?
- Parents
- Physicians
- Community Agencies
- Child Care Providers
- Other Health Specialist
- Private Schools

Who is Eligible for Child Find?
Residents of Talbot County, ages 3-21, who have suspected or diagnosed delays in thinking and reasoning, speech and language, motor skills, self-help skills, social and adaptive behavior. All services are provided by Talbot County Public Schools at no cost to the family.

Who Do You Contact (Children Ages 3-21:)
Supervisor of Special Education
Talbot County Education Center
410-822-0330, ext. 139 or ext. 141
Choptank Community Health System
Phone Number Bay Hundred: (410) 745-0200/ Denton: 410.473.5772
Address Bay Hundred Branch: 933 South Talbot Street, Unit 4, St. Michaels, MD 21663 / Denton: 301 Randolph St, Denton, MD 21629
Hours Bay Hundred: Monday: 7am to 7pm; Wednesday: 7am to 4:45pm, Tuesday & Thursday: 7am to 4:30pm; Friday: 7am to 4pm / Denton hours may vary
Description Located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Choptank Community Health System, Inc. (CCHS) is a private, non-profit community health center providing primary health care services in Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties and the surrounding areas.

CCHS health centers provide a full range of primary medical, dental, and behavioral health services. CCHS is a participating provider with most major insurance companies and HMOs.

A sliding fee scale is available for any patient without insurance. As a community health center, CCHS is able to use federal funding to expand current services and develop new programs to meet the health care needs in our area.

School-based services at Easton Elementary, Easton Middle, Easton High, and St. Michaels Middle/High.
Program Manager Debbie Ross
Creative Corner Early Learning Center
Phone Number (410) 822-2123
Address 8706 Commerce Drive Unit 8, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday - Friday, 7 AM - 5:30 PM
Description We offer preschool classes for children age infants (6 weeks) - four year olds. Our School Age Program serves before and after school care for Easton and St. Micheal's school districts and a School Age Summer Camp program.

Our outstanding program begins with the learning premise that children grow in all aspects through their natural desire to play. A child's development requires attention to their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs. Creative Corner's mission is to provide an environment that stimulates each child's curiosity and development.

Games, giggles and great discoveries are a part of Creative Corner’s daily program. Each teacher provides opportunities that encompass the interest, age and skill of the children to make every day a happy learning adventure including Group Time, Discovery Time, Art Exploration, Tabletop Activities, Science Discovery, Enhancement Activities, Community activities, Playground Activities, Rainy Day Surprises, and Language Arts.
Critchlow Adkins Children’s Centers
Phone Number (410) 822-7181
Address 11 Magnolia Street, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday – Friday, 6:45 AM – 5:30 PM
Description Critchlow Adkins Children's Centers (CACC) is a nonprofit dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable childcare and early education to children and their families. Our mission is to offer a nurturing, diverse, and safe environment that promotes growth and learning. With a team of dedicated teachers, CACC provides year-round educational preschool programs, before- and after-school care for Pre-K through 5th grade, and summer camps that inspire curiosity and creativity in children. Tuition assistance is available to qualifying families.
Our programs run from 6:45 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. All five of our sites are accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE) Early Learning Division and licensed by the MSDE Office of Child Care. Each location has earned the MSDE EXCELS Level 5 rating—representing the highest level of excellence in early learning and school-age care.
At CACC, we are committed to fostering a lifelong love of learning in every child, with programs designed to nurture, inspire, and prepare each child for a bright future.

PRESCHOOL SITE, EASTON 11 Magnolia Street, Easton, MD 21601 (410) 822-7181 Year-round, full-day educational preschool for children ages 2 - 4.
CORDOVA SITE 11430 Cordova Road, Cordova, MD 21625 (410) 822-6293 Full-day preschool for 3-year-olds, before- and after-school care for Pre-K through 5th grade, and summer camps for ages 3 to 12. School-age programs are available half- or full-day during most school closures.
ST. MICHAEL'S SITE 100 Seymour Avenue, St. Michaels, MD 21663 (410) 745-5842 Full-day preschool for 2- and 3-year-olds, before- and after-school care for Pre-K through 5th grade, and summer camps for ages 2 to 12. School-age programs are available half- or full-day during most school closures.
EASTON ELEMENTARY - SCHOOL AGE SITE (410) 829-3534 Before- and after-school care for K through 5th grade and summer camps for ages 5 to 12. School-age programs are available half- or full-day during most school closures.
WHITE MARSH SITE 4322 Lovers Lane, Trappe, MD 21673 (410) 829-3274 Full-day preschool for 3-year-olds, before- and after-school care for Pre-K through 5th grade, and summer camps for ages 3 to 12. School-age programs are available half- or full-day during most school closures.
Healthy Families Mid-Shore
Phone Number (410) 819-5600, (443) 262-4464
Address 100 S. Hanson Street, Easton MD 21601
Description Healthy Families Mid-Shore is an evidence-based, accredited home visiting program of the Queen Anne's County Department of Health in partnership with Talbot County Health Department, Kent County Health Department and Caroline County Health Department. The families served are eligible for Maryland Children's Health Program or are uninsured and must reside in Queen Anne's, Talbot, Kent or Caroline Counties.

Highly trained Family Support Workers deliver home visiting services to families facing some challenges. Using the "Growing Great Kids" curriculum, the Family Support Workers offer support services, resources and education for prenatal / postpartum women, fathers, and infants. We conduct developmental screenings for children, provide referrals to community resources and provide information regarding essential parenting tips. The program is voluntary and geared towards each family's individual needs. For more information please contact Healthy Families Staff.
Imagination Library of Talbot County
Phone Number (410) 310-0336
Description Imagination Library of Talbot County’s primary mission is to address the very important need to expose children birth to age 5 to a literature and vocabulary rich environment by mailing high quality, age-appropriate books directly to their homes each month at no cost to their families. After registering, the first book takes about eight to ten weeks to arrive at your home and then you will receive a new book each month until your child turns five.

All preschool-aged children under the age of five, who live in Talbot County are eligible for this program. Parents can register for this free program on the website.
Kimberly Baker, Board of Directors Email:
Kidz Learning Through Play Family Daycare, LLC
Phone Number (410) 819-0249
Address 603 Dutchmans Ln, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Weekdays 7am to 5pm; Closed Weekends
Description Kidz Learning Through Play Family Daycare, LLC believes that our program and services offer developmentally appropriate curriculum and strive to enhance social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth in young children. The children in the program are able to use developmentally appropriate materials which are accessible within containers of their reach. These developmentally appropriate materials reflect the children’s interest and support children of all abilities. Our program fosters curiosity, creativity and self-esteem by taking into account children’s abilities and interests. Child initiated and provider supported play is an essential component of our program. Therefore, our program supports the following philosophy about children and their growth:
Each child individually learns in different ways, at a different pace, by different approaches and at different ages of maturation.

A positive self-concept develops in children who can fulfill their goals, accomplish takes on their own, and cooperate with others and receive positive feelings from others.

Self-disciplined children can direct their efforts towards fulfillment of their goals. Children learn self-discipline through understanding, commitment, and reinforcement.

Self-reliance is achieved by allowing children to do as many things for themselves as they are capable of, but keeping in mind new skills.
Fax: (410) 819-0950
Contact: Tonette Gibson
Contact Email:
Locate Child Care
Phone Number 877-261-0060
Description Selecting child care is one of the most important decisions your family will ever make. Take the time to make the right choice—the first five years last forever.

Maryland Family Network’s LOCATE: Child Care is a free, referral service with detailed information on all regulated child care in Maryland. Our trained referral specialists will help you identify care based on your personal preferences including program type, location, and cost.

Safe and reliable child care is only a phone call away. A trained LOCATE: Child Care Referral Specialist is ready to help you select the best child care option for your family.
Manor Discovery Center
Phone Number (410) 822-5555 
Address 702 Idlewild Ave, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday - Friday: 7:15am to 5:30pm. Closed on some major holiday dates.
Description The Manor Discovery Center is proud to provide a program of total care that includes exploratory learning, personal and social development, and cultural enrichment. Within our safe, happy, nurturing environment, children discover many facets of themselves and the world.

Our children learn about objects, events, ideas, themselves, and others in their community. Their curiosity is the motivator for learning, and interactive play develops their creativity and social skills. With gentle guidance and clear structure, our children discover their talents and learn to accept challenges. With age-appropriate developmental activities, we build the foundation for self-confidence, intellectual curiosity, and life-long learning.

Children 12 months to 5 years. Before- and/or After-school programs and Summer Camp also available.
Mid-Shore Early Learning Center
Phone Number (410) 690-7354
Address 222 Port Street, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday - Friday, 6:30am to 7pm
Description We are licensed child care for Infants (6 weeks and up) through School Age (age 12). We are accredited by MSDE - Maryland State Department of Education. Talbot County Public Schools provide transportation to and from Easton Elementary Schools and White Marsh Elementary School.
Mailing Address P.O. Box 1359, Easton, MD 21601
Office of Child Care – Upper Shore
Phone Number (410) 819-5801
Address 301 Bay St. Suite 305, Easton, MD 21629
Hours Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm
Description The Office of Child Care (OCC) is responsible for licensing and inspecting all child care centers and family child care providers in Maryland. The OCC also administers Maryland's subsidized child care program for working families and the state’s Child Care Credentialing System.
Phone Number 301-807-8028
Address 7871 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601
Description Children are able to explore, discover and play in our uniquely designed city shops, created to mimic mom and dad's world but uniquely scaled to their size. Dress the part to fix a car at the mechanics shop, build a favorite pizza at the Italian restaurant, take x-rays of a patient in the hospital room or even pretend to bathe a puppy in the petshop....they have so many rooms for them to explore! Their space caters to ages 1 to 11 yrs, but they courage parents, grandparents and older siblings to play along too. Admission is required.
Project Right Steps
Phone Number (410) 822-5400 ext 2321
Address P.O. Box 8, Wye Mills, MD 21679
Description Project Right Steps is a free service that addresses the needs of child care providers and parents that are dealing with children (0-5) with challenging behaviors. Project Right Steps is designed to support changes in the child’s behavior through the specialist’s work with both the child care provider and the family. Specialists offer services including observation, assessment, and consultation. They suggest strategies to assist the provider(s) and parents in addressing the child’s challenging behaviors.
Shore Up! Inc. Head Starts
Phone Number (410) 822-6641 (Easton) / (410) 745-2851 (St. Michaels) / (410) 749-1142 ext 1079 (Salisbury)
Address 305 Glenwood Avenue, Easton, MD 21601 / 100 Seymour Avenue, St. Michaels, MD 21663 / 520 Snow Hill Rd, Salisbury, MD 21804
Description SHORE UP!’s Early Head Start program focuses on children ages six weeks to three years. Development, social and educational, are our primary focus, which enhances the families’ ability to also focus on goals and self-sufficiency. The Home Base program provides the same services as our Early Head Start program center-based operation. Qualified family advocates perform weekly 90-minute home visits with parents to engage them and their children. Bi-weekly socialization allows parents to build their understanding of parenting and community engagement. Additional training support is provided in health, nutritious meals, breastfeeding support, school readiness, and shared community resources.

The Head Start program is a comprehensive family development program for three and four year olds from families that meet federally established income guidelines. The primary goal of our Head Start is to prepare children for successful public school participation while providing them with a means of meting their developmental and nutritional needs. Parents of Head Start children are involved in all aspects of Head Start Program planning, development, and management.

Children in all programs are screened within the first 45 days of entry for health and developmental delays. (Approximately 10% of the children served are diagnosed with disabilities). The programs partner with families to find effective methods to deal with issues such as single parenting, illiteracy, homelessness, substance abuse, child abuse & neglect, domestic violence, and community violence. Early intervention strengthens the ability of children and families to cope with school and their environment. By building relationships among children, families, staff, and the community, we build a brighter future for tomorrow. Head Start promotes respectful, sensitive, and proactive approaches to cultural diversity. Child development is supported through nurturing relationships among staff, parents, and children.

SHORE UP! Inc. operates 15 Head Start and 8 Early Head Start programs throughout the Lower and Upper Eastern Shore. (We also arrange for home visits).
Email /
Contact Person: Julie Peters, Chief Communications Officer
Direct Email Inquiry
Talbot County Early Head Start
Phone Number (410) 820-6940
Address 215 Bay Street, Suite 1, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday - Friday: 8am to 4:30pm
Description Talbot County Early Head Start (TCEHS) serves pregnant women and children from birth to age three and their families. The program is designed to help children and their parents learn and grow by providing a wide range of educational and supportive programs. TCEHS provides information for parents to be their child’s first teacher and promotes school readiness. TCEHS services are family-centered in a safe, nurturing and enriching environment and are provided free of charge to eligible participants. Transportation is also provided to and from the Center. Services offered: Early Childhood Education, Developmental Child Care, Parenting Education, Parent & Child Together Time, and Adult Education.
Bilingual Staff Yes
Talbot County Infants and Toddlers Program
Phone Number 410-822-0686, ext. 2202
Address Easton Elementary School, 307 Glenwood Avenue, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday - Friday: 8am to 4pm
Description The goal of the Talbot County Infants and Toddlers Program is to provide family-centered support and services to infants and toddlers with delays/disabilities to help them reach their potential and be prepared for school.

The Talbot County Infants and Toddlers Program is a family-centered program serving children birth through two years of age who reside in Talbot County and meet state eligibility requirements. Services are provided year round at no cost to families. If your child is found eligible, the Infants and Toddlers Program can target the following areas:

- Cognition
- Communication
- Social/Emotional
- Self-help
- Fine Motor
- Gross Motor
- Hearing
- Vision

Services are provided in home, community, or center-based settings depending on the needs of your family and child. Sessions are scheduled with your individual service provider(s) Monday through Friday.
Fax: 410-822-1890
Talbot County Judy Center
Phone Number (410) 822-0689
Address 305 Glenwood Avenue, Easton, MD 21601
Description The Judy Center is a partnership between Talbot County Public Schools, community programs, agencies and organizations, as well as private businesses and most importantly families, with the goal of assuring that ALL children enter school with the readiness skills they need to succeed. What happens in the first 5 years of life and the connections that are formed in the brain during that time, have a direct impact on how successful a child will be in school as well as in their adult lives!

The Judy Center is more of a “philosophy” than a place, so our services are located throughout the Easton Elementary School (EES) attendance area. The Judy Center’s Administrative Office is located at EES-Dobson, which also houses our P3 classes, Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs. Choptank Health and Eastern Shore Psychological Services (ESPS) also provide services onsite. In addition Shore Up Head Start and Critchlow Adkins Children’s Center’s “wrap around care” programs are located on the EES campus. Other partners, programs and services are located throughout the Easton community.

The Judy Centers provides high quality, accredited, full day/full year and wrap around childcare services for children 6 weeks through Kindergarten.
- Early Head Start and Head Start
- Home visiting services that focus on health and development
- Library and literacy services as well as free children’s books
- Physical, dental and mental health services
- Play Groups for children birth to age three, family recreational and community activities
- Parent Education/ Parent Support Groups
- Adult Education (ABE/GED/ESL), job training and higher education opportunities
- Joint professional trainings for staff
- Service Coordination for children and families
- Learning Parties and Other Family trainings

Who is eligible?
Any child from birth through Kindergarten that lives within the Easton Elementary School attendance area is considered a “Judy Center” child/family.

Does it cost anything?
Judy Center’s do NOT charge for the services that they directly supply but there may be costs associated with some individual programs. Please contact specific partners or call us at the Judy Center for more information.
The Kinder Garden
Phone Number (410) 820-8440
Address 8701 Brooks Drive, Easton, MD 21601
Hours Monday - Friday: 7am to 6pm
Description You will be pleasantly surprised by the design, the warmth, the charm and the incomparable setting that The Kinder Garden has to offer! We provide care for children 18 months to 5 years of age. Please call to inquire.
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