Tilghman Area Youth Association | |
Phone Number | (505) 750-TAYA (8292) |
Address | P.O. Box 55, Tilghman, MD 21671 |
Hours | Monday - Friday: 3:15pm to 5:45pm during the school year |
Website | www.tilghmanyouth.org |
Description | Tilghman Area Youth Association is a local organization striving to unite families and communities. We promote health, wellness and kindness. It incorporates the Tilghman After School Kids Program (TASK). Additionally, TAYA provides enrichment for our “tweens” and teens and the goal is to connect our children to family and community. TAYA also sponsors summer camps for grades K-6, involving grades 7-12 as assistants. The camp is held each summer, generally in July, at the local elementary school. |
tayadirector@gmail.com |