Needed Grant Funding Acquired for Talbot County’s Vulnerable Populations

4 min read | Posted on August 28, 2017

The Talbot Family Network, the Local Management Board for Talbot County, was awarded grant funds for FY 18 through the Governor’s Office for Children. 

Easton, MD – The Talbot Family Network, the Local Management Board for Talbot County, was awarded grant funds for FY 18 through the Governor’s Office for Children. The total award is $443,418 which is a $109,775 increase from the prior year’s base funding.

The mission of the Talbot Family Network is, through collaboration with public and private entities, to identify and develop support systems for a safe, healthy, and caring community for all Talbot County children and families.

Through an extensive planning process undertaken by the Talbot Family Network (TFN) during FY 16 and 17 the needs of children and families were identified and gaps in programming were assessed by the TFN Board.  The TFN Board is comprised of public and private representatives appointed by the Talbot County Council.

The programs and strategies funded by this grant include interventions for some of Maryland’s most vulnerable populations: families and children affected by caregiver incarceration; disconnected youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither working nor attending school; children and youth who are food-insecure; and youth who are experiencing homelessness. These interventions represent new pathways to opportunities and a push for systemic change that will further Governor Hogan’s vision of ensuring an economically secure Maryland for all.

TFN was one of nine jurisdictions in the state of Maryland, and the only jurisdiction on the Mid-Shore, to receive an increase in their award from the previous year.

“Maryland’s LMBs are the ‘boots on the ground’ in our communities and the Governor’s Office for Children values their unique role in developing local approaches to addressing local needs for children, youth, and families,” said Arlene Lee, Governor’s Office for Children Executive Director. “It is truly wonderful that these grants will support so many promising programs.”

Executive Director, Katherine Sevon stated that she was very pleased with the outcome of the grant process and that she looks forward to working with community partners to build on this year’s success. “Talbot Family Network is focused on fostering a healthy, equitable Talbot County in which all children can thrive and fulfill their potential.”

For more information on the Talbot Family Network or the planning process please go to or contact TFN at

Talbot Base Funding: $333,643

Competitive Funding: $109,775

Programs include:

  • Conversation on Race – Provides for two Beyond Diversity seminars on racism, equity and action for Local Management Board vendors and stakeholders. The creation of a community of practice will provide for a series of at least quarterly conversations and support sessions to foster a Racial Equity Community of Practice in Talbot County.  Beyond Diversity is conducted in partnership with the Talbot County Public Schools.
  • Healthy Families – A two-generation, prenatal through age 5 home visiting program for high-risk families that supports the development of healthy, stable, economically self-sufficient parents by capitalizing on the worker/parent relationship and leveraging this trust to engage the mothers in self-development and behavior change.
  • Community Nutrition and Gardening Education – Nutrition and gardening education for the community and coordinates with the Talbot County Hunger Coalition.
  • Healthy Habits – An after-school hunger and nutrition education program targeting 150 children eligible for Free and Reduced Priced Meals at two sites with research-based nutrition education and after school meals.
  • Mentoring and Support Group for Children Impacted by Incarceration – Provides mentoring including individual needs assessment, case management services and a trauma informed therapeutic support group for children impacted by incarceration of a parent.
  • Bridges Out of Poverty/Getting Ahead Workshops – Educational and practical training provided to resourced and non-resourced community members regarding poverty and methods of moving out of poverty.
  • Competitive Award: Support and Connect – To address the impact of incarceration, a navigator provides referrals and advocacy for services to alleviate financial and other stressors, and caregiver support groups create safe space to work through mental health-related issues resulting from their new role.
  • Competitive Award: Reengagement Coordinator – Will identify and re-engage drop outs in an individualized educational program in partnership with public schools.
  • Competitive Award: Career Pathways – A training program that provides pre-employment education, training, certification, and career opportunities for disconnected youth.
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