11 Steps You Must Take to Start a Nonprofit Organization

2 min read | Posted on August 4, 2021

When you visit sites like HealthyTalbot.org, do you ever wonder what the “.org” stands for? Websites that end with this designation usually indicate nonprofit or 501(c)(3) status, and these groups provide fundamental services in our communities. Nonprofits help bridge the gaps between what the government provides and what people actually need. So if you’re looking to make a difference, you could use these steps to start your own nonprofit.

Start With the Right Set-Up

Before you can start changing the world, you need to legally establish your nonprofit.

Recruit a Team

You can’t do it all on your own — that’s why you need volunteers and perhaps staff.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Building a nonprofit is rewarding but it’s a huge undertaking that can involve a lot of stress.

  • There are some clear myths in the nonprofit sector that can lead to burnout.
  • This is why it’s so important to focus on self-care, like getting enough sleep.
  • As a new nonprofit director, remember that you are a caretaker of others and the community. Care for yourself, too, because you cannot keep giving from an empty vessel.

Starting your own “.org” nonprofit organization is such a bold way to promote causes that are dear to you and make a difference in the lives of others. The resources and guides should be pretty helpful, but also take time to think about why you want to start a nonprofit. Then use that “why” to build your values, your mission and motivate your team!


Article submitted by: Brittany Fisher, Financiallywell.info

Photo Credit: Pexels, Legal Zoom

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